Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Rules to an Improved You

I’m always flattered when someone asks for my advice when they make the decision to start getting more fit.  I’ve learned a lot from my mentors & I continue to educate myself thru trial, research and error.  I hope by sharing what I’ve learned along the way, that others can reach their fitness goals faster.    

The Rules to an Improved You  

#1 - Eat Clean
This category is an entire blog.  You are not starting a diet & this is not a temporary change.  It’s a new way of eating that will last you a lifetime.  For that reason, “baby stepping” your way into this improved menu may actually be the preferred method.  I started by eliminating my diet Coke habit.  When that habit was firmly engrained,  I added another like giving up all fried foods.  I don’t miss either of these things at all.

AVOID: Processed & Refined Foods
Artificial Ingredients & Preservatives
Soda, Alcohol & Fruit Juices

Do drink - LOTS of water
EAT: A variety of Veggies as often as possible
Fruits in moderation
High Quality Meats
Healthy Fats
Complex Carbs
This is your first rule because “You cannot outrun a bad diet.” 

#2 - Stick to the Schedule
You MUST workout FOUR days a week.  The session should last 30-90 minutes & it should be hard enough to at least break a light sweat.  The only exception I will allow to this is you are allowed to workout 5 or 6 days a week if you prefer.
You can & I suggest that you DO vary the workouts.  I think the worst possible workout routine might be doing the treadmill for 30 minutes 4 days a week.   Trust me I used to walk or use the elliptical machines for HOURS with almost nothing to show for my efforts.  A little variety is also more likely to get you hooked on your new lifestyle.  Weights are a required part of your workout routine at least twice a week.

Here’s a sample plan for those like me that follow a 6 day week:
 Monday- Weights/Legs
Tuesday- Zumba
Wednesday- Weights/Triceps & Abs
Thursday- Yoga
Friday- Weights/Chest & Back
Saturday- REST
Sunday- Zumba

#3 - Keep Logs
Initially you will track all food & beverage consumption and I recommend MyFitness Pal.  It’s a great free ap!  Once your new Clean eating habits become permanent changes, you can eliminate this log as you’ll be able to estimate pretty accurately without writing it down.

For exercise I suggest JeFit, another great free ap.  It’s particularly helpful for weights as it shows numerous exercises categorized by muscle group.  You can add custom exercises & also use it to track your workouts for future reference.  You will ALWAYS keep a workout log.

#4 - Find Your Fitness Support Team
There are going to be days where you don’t feel like following my rules.  One or two days are ok, but an actively involved team will ensure the slump is short.
A physical workout partner is your best initial bet for continuing success.  If you don’t show-up for a fitness “date” you’re letting two people down, not just yourself.  Group fitness classes are perfect for this as well.  When you are a “regular” people will miss you and inquire about your absences.  That support is invaluable!

The internet is full of fitness pages full of inspiration & like minded fitness seeking people.  Join them/Use them/Share them/Become active on them!

#5 - Invest in You
Join a gym, Enroll in Group Fitness Classes & Buy Home Fitness Equipment

Everyone has the same 24 hrs. in a day.  Make sure you make scheduling time for yourself a priority. If your choices are watching tv, running errands or working out - WORKOUT!  It’s only 30 minutes.  Exercise is always the number one item on your list.  Once this is non-negotiable, you will find the time to do everything else that is really important.  Your health is your 1st priority and your family will enjoy all the benefits of that choice.  Preventative healthcare is priceless.  

It’s also good to REWARD yourself.  Did you just lose 10 pounds?  I think you just earned a new pair of gym shoes!

#6 - Challenge Yourself 
The first week going for a walk might count as a workout.  Three months later this probably won’t be a challenge anymore.  Make sure you are always pushing yourself to the next level.  Your log should show progress, so don’t just keep doing the same thing.  Try new things.

You will break these rules from time to time.  Enjoy your break.  Savor your treat and then get back to work.  The new you is waiting.  Don’t make her wait too long!

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