Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My First Smoothie

It seems if you follow any fitness or diet blog for long you'll hear someone raving about smoothies.  I recalled that I actually own a smoothie maker.  So on the last trip to the grocery store, I bought a large container of plain yougurt, more spinach, some kale and fresh strawberries.  My next purchase will be protein powder, but I haven't figured out which one I want to buy just yet.  That is a whole other blog.  Figuring this was enough material to whip up a maiden batch, I did a quick internet surf for some recipes.  All the recipes I found suggested frozen strawberries.  Ok....I remembered purchasing some kind of frozen fruit quite awhile ago & burrowed to the back of the freezer.  Bingo...Mangos!  I revised my internet search but quickly decided I was too hungry at this point to bother with a precise recipe.  Into the back of my cabinets I delved searching for my long forgotten Smoothie maker & I filled it with this:

One quart sized baggie full of frozen spinach
An undetermined amount of frozen mango
One ripe banana
1 Cup Choboni plain low-fat yougurt

Then I hit mix.  My poor Back to Basics Smoothie ELITE struggled to life but it didn't seem like any mixing was really going on so I helped it out with a spoon.  After a few rounds of this I tried the smooth button and finally got some real help from my appliance.  It began to circle into the desired thick green blend.  I anxiously grabbed my mug aiming it under the convenient spout at the bottom, hit pour and waited for my glass to fill.  Nothing.  Ok the bottom spout is clogged, so I whipped off the top and poured it into my glass.

...and you know what?  It was delicious! 
 Smoothies are so simple to make.  Do other people know about these?  Now as I recall the reason my Smoothie maker is stashed in the far back corner of a cabinet is because it's an absolute bitch to clean.  I'm seeing a Vitamix in my future.  Sure wish there was a gift giving holiday coming up like a Birthday or something......  (Is that subtle enough?  It's January 26th in case you were wondering.)


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