Sunday, April 28, 2013

The turtle wins the race

This is me last summer when the lilacs were blooming and they'll be blooming again soon.

  A year ago my workouts were strictly cardio 3-4 days a week including one day of Zumba toning with light weights.  While maintaining that, now I've added regular free weight sessions about 3 days a week & have very slowly increased the intensity.  At the age of 44 I have finally learned how to properly perform a Romanian deadlift and today I did three sets of 25 with a 62 lb. bar.  I'm beginning to see the allure in lifting.  It's not nearly as fun as Zumba but being a competitive type of person, it gives me an opportunity to constantly "raise the bar" against myself.  Just a month ago I did this same set of Romanian deadlifts with a bar bearing TWENTY less pounds.  I have also improved my diet.  However I have resisted giving up things I enjoy like liquor, which keeps me from truly getting cut.  

This is me today.
The difference is quite subtle but it's enough to keep me focused on the ultimate task.  I'm not sure when I'll be able to show you the "cut" you see on other fitness blogs.  Diet is key and I still struggle with this.  I eat much healthier but this chef still serves a generous portion.  However I will tell you this.  Since I've added lifting to my routine all of my jeans have suddenly become extremely baggy.  I now own several pairs of work jeans that I can take off without unbuttoning.  Yeah most people would just buy new jeans.  Instead I never forget my belt and spend my hard earned rewards on new workout clothes.  While the drops are small to none,  the scale never tips higher and that is perfectly fine with me.  The weight is slowly shifting to new hard earned curves.  

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Find your Fitness Partner

I must start this blog with an apology.  Well...assuming anyone's even noticed that I've abandoned them recently.  I'm back to my usual Spring schedule where I work 6 days a week and I'm now teaching Zumba two days a week.  So given the choice between working out/prepping new routines vs writing a blog OR making dinner vs doing a blog OR doing laundry vs doing a blog....I guess it's obvious that the blog has always lost the coin toss of late.  While today's entry will be brief it's just to remind you that while you may not see frequent written reminders that I'm continuing my fitness quest, it most certainly continues.  I also dare to hope you are too busy working on your own fitness goals to read about mine.

I still track my miles everyday & think it's a great tool.

For those that are still looking for some motivation - I offer my best advice.

Today mine helped me work my chest.  I've finally reached the point where it is not safe to do benchpresses without a rack.  I can't safely get into positon with enough weight to challenge myself.  So luckily I have Mike to hand me the 62 lb. bar I was pressing today.  Oh & he's really good at encouraging me to work well past my comfort zone with a little of his added assistance.  We did FOUR sets!  I think I will be pleasantly sore tomorrow.  Even if you're not doing weights, I've found a fitness partner to be an invaluable asset to staying on track.  Those who "make a date" to meet at class or car pool are far more likely to actually appear at a cardio class than those that say to themselves "I'll try to get there."  Don't TRY,  just make it happen!!

The laundry can wait.
Some of the best meals only take minutes as it's pretty quick to saute some vegetables.
Make YOURSELF your highest priority & work on you for awhile.
Enlist at least one friend with a similar goal of self improvement.  I think local is best but if you are not able to do so please let me know & I'm happy to offer my encouraging services.  One awesome online fitness buddy far exceeds any plans you have to sit on the couch and think about how beautiful your body could be if you paid it a little attention.  Summer will be here before you know it.

Let's get busy getting fit!